Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Deodorising agent

Ah yes, the challenge of finding a recipe which actually works, that gives you the nice fresh underarm feeling without staining or leaving bits behind.
And the results, nice feeling on the old armpits, prolonged smell of tea tree, even works on those hot sticky days where it feels like you are wrapped in glad wrap.
Give it a go,

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Week one report

One week down... 
  1. one visit to the supermarket, 5 items bought.
  2. much good service from our new favourite places to shop: Bin Inn, Toad hall, Arcadia Organics.
  3. garden full of much to eat, seeds planted for next crops.
  4. made our own dishwashing liquid, flowing soap and toothpaste.
Much achieved in one week when looking back.
Next step is to make deodorant, find maple syrup locally and continue to load the garden for our benefit.
Box of fluffies (ducks and chicks)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Dishwashing liquid

So, the time has come to wash the dishes (ah, if only there was a time when we didn't need to!).
Again searching undertaken, and a recipe found here. The page also is a conglomerate of eco kitchen DIY recipes all mashed together, so good luck making sense of it all.
The outcome is a lovely gloopy mixture as pictured above. Stick your hand in and travel back to the days of mud pies for lunch.
Washing the dishes is a joy with this mixture! There is no bubbles or foam (no sls) but a magnificent smell and clean dishes to boot.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Toothpaste, a complicated mix of foaming ingredients and flavours. Well, as we discovered, maybe not.
After searching madly for a toothpaste recipe, we stumbled upon this one, which seemed simple enough, and that it might actually work.
After visiting locally owned shops (with customer service included; smiles, chocolates for the kids, etc...), we headed home to make a batch.
With the kids in tow, I set about mixing the ingredients, making sure the kids helped to measure and sniff the concoction. The peppermint was a tad strong for little miss M.
The real test came at the dreaded bedtime. Step 1: get it on the toothbrush... check. Step 2: in the mouth... check. Step 3: brush teeth... check. Step 4: smile and say "that was yummy Papa, can you keep making that forever!" Well not quite check, but close enough. 